International Master in Dance Knowledge, Practice, and Heritage

Date limite : 06-01-2022

Description complète


TChoreomundus investigates dance and other movement systems (ritual practices, martial arts, games and physical theatre) as Intangible Cultural Heritage within the broader contexts of Ethnochoreology, the Anthropology of Dance, Dance and Heritage Studies, Dance and Technology. The programme is offered by a consortium of four universities internationally recognised for their leadership in the development of innovative curricula for the analysis of dance and other movement practices: University of Clermont Auvergne (UCA), Clermont-Ferrand, France; Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway; University of Szeged (SZTE), Hungary; University of Roehampton, London (UR), United Kingdom.Choreomundus focuses on fieldwork and engages with a variety of theoretical and methodological frameworks. The programme provides practical skills in formal analysis of movement, motion capture, documentation, and evaluation of dances, thereby developing an appreciation of dance that is comparative, cross-cultural, applied, and embodied. It equips students to make sense of intangible heritage within a culturally diverse world, to promote culturally sensitive modes of knowledge transmission, and to engage with cultural differences and problems of displacement and migration in the 21st century.Employment opportunities exist worldwide within public and private organisations responsible for the safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) and within higher education and research. The production of digitised inventories of ICH for open access, archival and aesthetic purposes using motion capture and traditional forms of data collection is an important area in which Choreomundus skills are required. Choreomundus alumni are working within the heritage and cultural tourism industries, including interactive museums. They also develop social integration projects with displaced persons and communities such as refugees and other post-traumatic stress sufferers, or they continue their education into doctoral research.Applicants should hold an undergraduate first degree or equivalent professional experience (see details under Admission Requirements on the Choreomundus website). The primary language of instruction is English, and an introduction to French, Norwegian and Hungarian is provided. In this two-year programme, students study in three universities for at least one semester with an intensive in a fourth (see Mobility path on the Choreomundus website). Students who successfully complete the programme will be awarded a joint Master degree with a single diploma from all four universities.

– A first degree (equivalent to 180 ECTS) or a second degree (equivalent to 120 ECTS) from a recognised higher education institution (university, college, conservatoire…) in the Humanities or Social Sciences, preferably in dance studies, anthropology, folklore, heritage studies or in related subjects such as drama and/or theatre, music, sports and human movement studies, sociology, cultural studies, or equivalent professional experience. Such candidates must some experience or knowledge of dance.
– Candidates with a strong dance background with degrees from other disciplines (for instance in Health Studies, Biomedical, Engineering or Computer Sciences) and candidates with equivalent professional experience in combination with formal learning/education may also be considered.
– Minimum average grade: C according to the ECTS grading scale or equivalent average grade/mark. In accordance with Life Long Learning Requirements, students may be admitted based on a combination of formal learning/education lower than average C on ECTS scale and approved prior learning and work experience.
– English Language Testing System (IELTS) 6.5 overall with no less than 5.5 in any band.
– Two letters of recommendation supporting the application.
– Expertise in or understanding of dance or related movement practices (rituals, games, martial arts, physical theatre etc.), which can be demonstrated through two of the following:
1. An online film/video clip of no more than three minutes duration, showing the candidate’s own dancing, choreography or other relevant performances or productions, or teaching. The link to the video should be provided in the application.
2. An essay of no more than three pages, focusing either on the contextual and/or movement aspects of a dance or other related practice.
3. A relevant publication.

Students will be selected on the following basis:
- First or second degree accounting for 40% of the final decision.
- CV including achievements in the field of dance or other relevant cultural performance or movement practices confirmed by submitting an online film clip, an essay or other attestation: accounting for 30% of the final decision.
- The letter of motivation (Personal statement) accounting for 30% of the final decision.

Official Website for more informations:


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