Water Supply Officer

Pays: Ethiopia
Ville: Assosa and Metekel

Date limite : 03-08-2022

Description complète


Assosa and Metekel, Ethiopia

Plan International

The Organisation


International is an independent development and humanitarian
organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often
suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s
girls who are most affected.


together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we
strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges
facing girls and all vulnerable children.


support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we
enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity.
We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global
levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.


We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years, and are now active in more than 75 countries.

Accountabilities and MAIN WORK ACTIVITIES

Organize and Lead Multidisciplinary Emergency teams (25%)

  • Responsible for Water trucking and the supply of Water with in the required quality and standard.

  • Responsible for hygiene and sanitation promotion works around water Distribution and collection points.

  • Coach project and government staff how to undertake ongoing Water Supply system at the Field level.

  • Conduct field feasibility study to new project sites.

  • Follow
    up proper management of Water Supply sites and take measurement,
    quality control, give instruction with the consultation of the WASH
    coordinator and WASH Officer.

  • Ensure
    the technical soundness, appropriateness and general quality in water
    supply and sanitation and Infrastructure project design, planning,
    implementation of projects and construction Supervision and Contract

  • Work
    for effective and efficient thematic area coordination in consultation
    with the project Health and Hygiene Promotion officer and Coordinator
    and other project staffs.

  • Close monitoring and follow up for smooth and on time project implementation.

  • Participate for Preparing and developing in consultation with appropriate stakeholder’s annual and multi-year project plan.

  • Record and share good practices and case stories achievements of the project.

  • Participate
    and contribute for quality and timely reporting and documenting of
    project activities including preparation of quarterly/yearly project
    progress reports.

  • Manage and organize trainings, workshops and meetings that concerns the project at all district levels.

  • Field
    supervision and quality control of construction of borehole, Rural and
    Urban piped water supply project, rehabilitation and expansion of civil
    works, construction of VIP Latrine.

  • The
    post holder is expected to develop standard design for all
    infrastructure supported by Plan based on the humanitarian and
    government standard.

  • Participate in bid process, Prepares Bid documents, and construction agreements and coordinates contract awards.

  • Prepare take of sheet, cost and material estimation for payment and planning 

Managing project budget (25%)

  • Facilitate and collect baseline information and data from community submit to PA for further analysis.

  • Lead
    humanitarian and rehabilitation projects in the project site,
    implementing donor funded projects in WASH sectors, responsible for the
    successful implementation of projects per the project period.

  • Effectively
    Coordinate the development of all project implementation plans and
    budgets within the framework of the agreed emergency response programme
    and strategy

  • Ensure
    effective budget management at field level, including correct coding of
    expenses and adherence to PIE financial management guidelines and donor

Project implementation coordination, monitoring, follow up and reporting (25%)

  • Monitor project implementation processes, coordinate evaluations, share learning’s and document best practices.

  • Prepare
    and submit a quality periodic narrative and financial reports in a
    timely manner according to Plan International and donor requirements.

  • Provide technical support for partner and program area staff on effective M and E applications.

  • Identify,
    document and disseminate best practices, success stories and story of
    changes from within and outside Plan International staff and other
    development partners.

  • Ensure project learning and achievements are documented and disseminated widely.

  • Coordinate
    the designing/development of emergency response projects and ensure
    projects are effectively implemented, monitored/reviewed, evaluated and
    progress and final reports are timely compiled and shared with WASH
    Coordinator and Assosa PA for review and then submission to donor

  • Ensure
    adequate monitoring, reporting and acquittal of emergency response
    activities in accordance with donor regulations, country and national
    office requests, international humanitarian accountability frameworks
    and relevant SPHERE standards

  • Ensure all project activities are conducted in accordance with the agreed work-plans and proposals

Managing relationship and networking with government, partners and other stakeholders (15%)

  • Assist and advise the WASH Coordinator and WASH Manager and ERM Lead with securing donor funding for emergency projects.

  • Establish
    and maintain constructive working relationships with other NGO’s, UN
    agencies, local government, bilateral and multilateral donors, and other
    principle stakeholders including the military where present and if

  • Ensure
    that the Donor and Government reporting is done and submitted on time
    in accordance with their reporting template and within their reporting

Conduct community need assessment before developing projects (10%)

  • Coordinate and support local level assessments, surveys and other studies and assist proposal development to finance projects

  • Support pragmatic project design and proposal  for institutional and public funding

  • Maintain
    on-going surveillance of the developing humanitarian emergency
    situation and in consultation with the National Project Manager and
    Emergency Response and Recovery lead, adjust activities accordingly

Safeguarding Children and Young People (Safeguarding) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI)

  • Understands
    and puts into practice the responsibilities under Safeguarding and GEI
    policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), ensuring that
    concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate

  • Ensures
    that all staff in the unit/function/department are properly inducted on
    and understands their role in upholding Plan International’s
    safeguarding and GEI policies;

  • Ensures
    that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and
    Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in
    day to day work.

  • Ensures
    that Plan Ethiopia contributes to Plan International’s global efforts
    to ensure safeguarding and GEI, including making sure that relevant
    reporting and data are submitted.

Leadership and BUSINESS management COMPETENCIES


  • Set
    and communicate ambitious but realistic work goals and priorities,
    explaining how these contribute to Plan International's purpose.

  • Set
    high standards for self and others' behaviour, inside and outside work.
    Championing our values and commitment to rights, gender equality and
    safeguarding. Supporting the health, well-being and both physical and
    psychological safety of our staff, including their safety to speak out.

  • Hold self and others to account for what we have agreed, dealing with poor performance quickly, firmly and constructively.

  • Create
    a positive team spirit, helping people work well together, to reflect
    and continuously improve the efficiency and quality of what we do.

  • Collaborate
    with team members, colleagues and partners in finding creative
    solutions to problems by sharing information, experience and ideas and
    actively seeking their input.

  • Motivate
    and developing others by taking an interest, giving constructive
    feedback and praise, ensuring they are properly trained and helping them
    develop their potential.

  • Accept change and support others in adjusting to it, helping them understand.

  • Acts decisively and adapts plans quickly to respond to emerging situations and changing environments

  • Helps
    others to recognise and manage stress by showing empathy, prioritising
    workload and role modelling self-care in stressful situations

  • Promotes and guarantees safety and security behaviours and procedures for self and the team.

  • Avoids any negative impact of response – Do No Harm especially crucial in humanitarian settings

  • Integrates
    response programmes as far as possible into longer term strategies as
    expressed, for example, in relevant Country Strategy

  • Prioritises
    safety and security under pressure by monitoring security risks;
    committing resources to ensuring safety and security and ensuring
    organisational protocols are understood and consistently followed by

  • Bases humanitarian response on communication and participation with the affected population

  • Takes the time and patience to understand the concerns of other people and takes care of them as individuals.

  • Supports
    coordination systems, working towards common priorities and developing
    common strategies with other humanitarian actors.

  • Identifies
    and promotes the integration of individuals or groups that might be
    especially affected by the disaster or marginalized in the response.


Technical expertise, skills and knowledge


Qualifications/ experience essential:

  • BSc
    Degree in Hydraulic, Water resource Engineering, Civil Engineering,
    Sanitary Engineering, Environmental Engineering and related disciplines
    with at least 4 years relevant experience in water supply and sanitation
    development, construction supervision and Contract Administration out
    of which a minimum of 2 years of NGO experience.

  • Demonstrated
    experience in Emergency WASH Response (feasibility study, design,
    construction supervision, contract administration etc.) of water supply,
    sanitation and infrastructures projects.

 Qualifications and experience desirable

  • Experience
    in contract document preparation, negotiation management, and
    development of bid documents, Bill of quantities and specification, as
    well as supervision and administration of projects.

  • Knowledge of Plan policies and procedures, Sphere and the Red Cross/ NGO Code of Conduct

  • Experience and Knowledge of using Water CAD, AutoCAD and GPs and GIS software packages

  • Knowledge of child rights programming

  • Good knowledge of field level realities of humanitarian NGOs work;  

  • Knowledge of Emergency WASH Response.

  • Good
    understanding of the external operating environment including
    government policies, strategies, guidelines and operating procedures in
    managing emergencies and disasters in the country Perform multiple,
    non-technical tasks with a potential need to upgrade skills in order to
    meet changing job conditions.

Languages required

  • Fluency in English language is essential

  • Knowledge of local language is desirable

Location: Assosa and Metekel

Type of Role: Water Supply Officer

Reports to: WASH Coordinator


Closing Date: 03/08/2022


Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.


want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we
work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age,
disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership,
pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual


International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to
create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office,
in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.


foster an organisational culture that embraces our commitment to racial
justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.


International believes that in a world where children face so many
threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation,
do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have
particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with
and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at


range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with
Plan International's Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan
International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme.
In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants
previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual
abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under
investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an
application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these
recruitment procedures.

Please note that Plan International will never send unsolicited emails requesting payment from can



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