Erasmus Mundus International Master's Programme on Circular Economy

Date limite : 17-01-2022

Description complète


Today’s societies face a variety of sustainability challenges that urgently need to be addressed, such as climate change, poverty, affordable clean energy and other issues, summarized in the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals”. The use of resources and its environmental consequences are a priority on the political agenda, with the European Union issuing its “Action Plan for the Circular Economy”, aiming at profoundly transforming society’s metabolism, and also the G7 is supporting the transition to a low-carbon and circular economy (CE). Meeting these challenges requires well-educated people, who are able to think holistically and interdisciplinary, able to assess and model the consequences of anthropogenic interventions in the biosphere, and strive towards implementing measures to mitigate and reduce humanity’s impact on the environment, while at the same time ensuring access to resources. Circular Economy is a multidisciplinary research field that addresses all above-mentioned sustainability challenges holistically through a series of different concepts, tools and methods. The “International Master’s Programme on Circular Economy” (CIRCLE) will be established to address these challenges through higher education. CIRCLE is a two-year master's programme (with 120 ECTS) that will equip its students with the necessary tools and skills in systems' thinking to contribute tackling some of the most pressing environmental and societal challenges in order to maintain the value of products, materials and resources for as long as possible and to minimise waste generation.The CIRCLE consortium consists of eight universities from three continents, ensuring a well-balanced CE education: The University of Graz (Austria, coordinator), four European partners (Leiden University and Delft University of Technology, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and three associated partners (Waseda University Tokyo, Tsinghua University Beijing and Curtin University Perth).After a first year at one of the European universities to learn the necessary CE basics, the CIRCLE students will choose a specialization, based on the main strength of each consortium partner. Graduates will be highly qualified, with solid knowledge of the basic concepts and methods of CE and individual specializations that allow them to contribute to moving towards a more sustainable society. CIRCLE students will be awarded with double degrees. The geographical focus areas for CIRCLE are Europe and Asia, where two of the associated partners are situated. Some of the fastest developing countries are in Asia and to ensure sustainable development, the skills of CE are of utmost importance and special attention to CE education in Asia is required. Through the consortium with partner universities across three continents with strong CE academic reputation, CIRCLE offers a unique and truly international CE programme to students.

Aims and objectives of the CIRCLE programme
Train students to contribute to environmentally sustainable economic growth by their capability to analyse complex problems related to sustainable development, to design (technological and social) solutions for these complex problems, and to develop implementation strategies for such solutions
Improve the level of competences and skills of the CIRCLE students, increasing their employability.
Enhance the attractiveness and quality of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by offering a unique international master programme in CE to the best students inside and outside of the EU
Bring together and bundle the existing expertise in education in the field of CE, European wide and beyond, which fosters internationalisation and excellence in higher education institutions

Fees & Scholarships
When you apply for the CIRCLE programme, you automatically apply for a scholarship as well. The candidates with the highest score awarded during the selection meeting will be offered a scholarship.

Erasmus+ EMJMD Scholarship rules

Scholarships are awarded only for participation in the complete EMJMD programme (24 months).
Students who have already obtained an EMJMD scholarship or an Erasmus Mundus Master Course/Joint Doctorate scholarship are NOT eligible to receive another scholarship under EMJMD.
EMJMD scholarship holders cannot at the same time be beneficiaries of a grant for student or staff mobility in the framework of other higher education programmes funded by the EU budget.
There are maximum 3 grants for students of the same nationality.
Candidates are NOT allowed to apply for more than 3 EMJMD scholarships for the same academic year.
Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to the scholarship holders for the EMJMD periods (study/research/placement/thesis preparation) spent in their country of residence.
Contribution to subsistence costs will not be given to scholarships holders from a Partner Country for the EMJMD periods exceeding one trimester (i.e., three months or the equivalent of 15 ECTS credits) spent in any Partner Country.
Applicants with more than one nationality have to chose one nationality and apply with that one.
The 12 months residence rule should be observed

The top students on the reserve list will be offered a self-paying position in the programme.

Selection Criteria
Selection to the CIRCLE programme and admission at the respective host universities are two separate steps. In this section, the selection to the programme is described. For information on admission to the individual universities see the section on admission.

How does student selection work?

Your submitted application will be thoroughly reviewed. First the formal aspects will be checked (required documents, documents in English etc.) and then the eligibility requirements will be reviewed. If applications are found to be incomplete and/or non-eligible, the candidates will be informed about this per email.

Eligible applications are then evaluated and ranked by the CIRCLE Admission Committee according to the following selection criteria and point system:

Grade of your Bachelor study: 0 (not satisfying) to 3 (very good)
Motivation letter: 0 (not satisfying) to 3 (very good)
Recommendation letters: 0 (not satisfying) or 1 (satisfying)
Additional information, e.g. relevant research/work experience: 0 (not satisfying) to 2 (good)
Candidates with the most points will be put on the main list for scholarships. For each intake, up to 16 students will receive the scholarship. Please note, that according to the Erasmus Mundus regulations, maximal three students per country (i.e. with the same nationality/citizenship) can be awarded a scholarship.

The candidates who do not make it on the main list for scholarships, will be put on the reserve list. The very best candidates on the reserve list will be given the opportunity to participate in the CIRCLE programme as self-paying students.

IMPORTANT: The final approval of all selected CIRCLE students and scholarship holders will be done by the European Commission (EC) in Aprila/May.

What happens then?

Applicants will be informed about the selection results via email.

Once the EC have confirmed the selection results, the selected students will be contacted by the coordinating university providing them with further instructions. The selected students will receive a nomination letter including the mobility path and the details of the scholarship as well as an acceptance letter which the selected students will have to sign. By doing this, they confirm their acceptance of the scholarship guidelines and pledge to take all the necessary measures to start and complete the mobility successfully and in accordance with all the stipulated administrative and academic requirements. The next step is admission to the individual universities where the selected students start their studies.


The CIRCLE consortium guarantees an absence of any conflict of interest as well as transparency and equal treatment for all applicants. Thus, any objection related to the selection results can be filed at and will be dealt with as quickly as possible.

Make sure to read through the following criteria and then determine if you are an eligible candidate. All these requirements must be fulfilled.

1) Academic degree of at least 180 ECTS credits (bachelor’s degree or equivalent programme of at least 180 ECTS) in engineering, natural sciences, environmental sciences, economics or social sciences, including courses in mathematics and/or statistics (min. 12 ECTS) and courses in environmental and/or systems sciences (min. 12 ECTS) (see definition of environmental/systems sciences)

2) For the bachelor's degree, a minimum overall/average grade of B according to the ECTS grading system is necessary.

3) Confirmation of English proficiency through either a completed bachelor or master’s programme studied in the following English-speaking countries Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, USA; or through provision of one of the following language certificates with the corresponding score:

TOEFL 575 (paper-based), 230 (computer-based) or 95 (iBT);
*In this year’s application round, the consortium accepts the TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition as well. The required score is the same as for the TOEFL iBT test. NOTE: use this certificate only if you truly cannot obtain any of the remaining certificates on this list. It will suffice for the application. However, this certificate might not suffice for admission to the universities if you are selected for the programme.

IELTS grade 7.0;

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (at least grade C);

Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (score of at least 180).

Please note that the provided language certificates must not be older than 2 years wherefore the 2 years will be counted back from the start date of the application.

No English proficiency letters will be accepted.

4) For the admission at the University of Graz, the following specific requirements apply additionally:

Courses in social and economic sciences: minimum 12 ECTS.

5) For the admission at Chalmers University of Technology, the following specific requirements apply additionally:

Bachelor's degree: in Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Architecture and Engineering, Environmental Science, Geo Science or Agricultural Science
Courses in mathematics/statistics: minimum 22.5 ECTS
English proficiency: IELTS with no part of the test below 5.5; TOEFL (paper-based) with a minimum of 4.5 on the written part, TOEFL (iBT) with a minimum of 20 on the written part.

Selection to the Master’s Programme does not guarantee admission to any particular host university, where additional local criteria may be operative.

Official Website for more informations:


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