Safe School Project Officer

Pays: Indonesie
Ville: Yogyakarta
Employeur: Plan International

Date limite : 30-08-2022

Description complète

Date: 15-Aug-2022


Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Plan International



International is an independent development and humanitarian
organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. In
Indonesia, Plan International operates since 1969, and in 2017 Yayasan
Plan International Indonesia (Plan Indonesia) was established as
national entity of Plan International in Indonesia. Plan Indonesia is
currently implementing its Country Strategy 4 (CS 4) covering fiscal
year 2018 to 2022, where the country purpose is in line with the global
Plan International’s Purpose “to advance children rights and equality
for girls”. Our ambition is to enable at least 1 million girls and young
women to learn (gain skills for work), lead (empower to take action on
issues that matter to them), decide (have control over their own lives
and bodies) and thrive (grow healthy and protected from violence). It
means that we will take actions to identify and facilitate the removal
of obstacles that prevent children, especially girls, and young women
from enjoying their rights and participating fully in Indonesian
society. This goal will be achieved by implementing quality programmes
and projects as well as influencing decision makers and key stakeholders
to make the required changes. From July 2022, Plan Indonesia starting
to implement its country strategy 5 (CS5) that cover fiscal year


safe school model province will be implemented in 2 provinces
Jogjakarta and Bali in 3 three years project (2022-2025), whereeach
province will implement in 18 months. The goals of this project
a replicable model of school safety at the provincial level is
developed through embracing meaningful youth participation in
strengthening enabling policies and adopting gender transformative
climate education.
There are 2 main outcomes on this project namely 1). Youth
meaningfully participated in the improvement of key components toward
the realization of child-centered and gender transformative climate
education programming. 2). The capacity and mechanism of SS duty bearers
at the provincial level are strengthened to lead the evidence
generation of enhanced SS Programming at the provincial and school

Role Purpose

Project Officer will support and assists Project Manager in the implementation and
the achievement of the project objectives which relates to safe school
model province. S/he is responsible for successful implementation of the
project and growing the project portfolio.


Dimensions of the Role

  • The post holder reports to the Project Manager
  • Support the Project Manager to manage the project planning, implementation, budgeting and monitoring evaluation. 
  • Support
    the Project Manager to influence, support and collaboratively working
    with local government mostly with Education office, Local disaster
    management agency, planning and development agency (BAPPEDA) and any
    related stakeholders.
  • Support Project Manager and Advocacy specialist on project advocacy agenda related to standard safe school province model.
  • Support Project Manager and communication specialist to develop communication material to promote the project achievements
  • Support
    Project Manager on strengthen the safe school digital platform
    (Inarisk, E-learning, school disaster impact) especially on disseminate
    the platform at school level.
  • Support Project Manager to work



Program implementation

  1. In liaison with project manager develop detail implementation plan (DIP) on the basis of the area project specific.
  2. Develop workplan, planning and implementing the project activities in timely manner.
  3. Support project manager in achieving target output of project.
  4. Together with Project Manager to develop and implement sustainability plan.
  5. Support project manager to update indicator tracking table to measure the progress of project regularly.
  6. Working
    collaboratively with technical advisor/specialist for cross-cutting
    issue such as gender and inclusion, participation, safeguarding


       Communication, Monitoring and Reporting

  1. Conduct
    day to day monitoring to target project location and facilitate
    discussion or coordination among stakeholders and school components.
  2. Support Project Manager to monitor project indicators progress and expenditure of project activities
  3. Prepare and submit activity report, progress reports for internal Plan use to Project Manager in monthly basis and/or other basis if needed.
  4. Archiving the project documents in Plan’ achieving system.
  5. Collaborate
    with communications and influencing team to implement communications
    strategy and advocacy include consultation communication products.
  6. Monitor the implementation action plan of project with stakeholders in project area
  7. Support Project manager to disseminate communication products and learning related to project


       Networks, partnership and Learning

  1. Establish
    external networks in order to strengthen the implementation of project,
    to exchange experiences and to scale up program implementation.
  2. Maintaining high quality relationship with government institution and schools as well.
  3. Support learning process of internal development at district and provincial level.
  4. Support
    advocacy and influencing effort in developing safe school province
    model standards and promote the use of safe school digital platform.
  5. Support Project Manager and MER specialist to gather lesson learned and best practices related to project


Financial and Administration

  1. Support the finance officer and Project Manager preparing and ensuring administration and financial support document of project activities according to the implementation and expenditure.
  2. Support the Project Manager to oversee
    and administer the day-today activities of the project; follow the
    policies, procedures, and systems of Plan International Indonesia which
    ensure productive and efficient office operation
  3. Support Project Manager to organize and facilitate project meeting,
    conferences and other special event; coordinate and attends meeting,
    and participates in discussion as appropriate in district
    and province level (when required)



Safeguarding Children and Young People (Safeguarding) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GESI)

  • Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People
    and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in project design,
    during implementation and as principles applied in day-to-day work;
  • Participates
    actively in capacity building and learning event on Safeguarding
    Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion;
  • Submits
    required documentations (risk mitigation assessment) to implement
    policy, standards and approach on Safeguarding and GESI;
  • Understands
    and puts into practice the responsibilities under Safeguarding and GESI
    policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), ensuring that
    concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate


Key relationships



  1. Project Manager: supervising, directing, mentoring and coaching
  2. Program Manager HRP: Management guidance for project implementation or addtional mentoring
  3. MER Specialist : Coordination of project MER framework, monitoring dashboard, and MER activities.
  4. Communication Specialist: coordination of project communication strategy and products.
  5. Gender and Inclusion Specialists: provide guidance to fill out gender marker tool and strategic direction of the project in relation to the achievement of the project milestone and outcome
  6. Advocacy specialist: provide guidance of advocacy strategy  related to safe school province model.
  7. Finance officer and finance coordinator HRP: administration and financial document compliance



  1. Government stakeholders provincial level
  2. School components mostly senior high school
  3. Academia, Non-government organisation, teacher organisation, and media relation



Technical expertise, skills and knowledge


  • Bachelor degree in Education Sector/ Digital Public Relation//Social Welfare/Community Development/others relevant field
  • At
    least 3 years of experience working on project management, preferably
    in DRR, Safe school or at least familiar with Safe school issue in
  • Experience
    of managing project day to day implementation, delivering on
    obligations and a good awareness of project requirements and priorities.
  • Experience in capacity building for School, Experience in representational roles
  • Good analytical skill, well informed about methods to capture change/results of project implementation
  • Skill in a diversity of partnerships, NGOs, research and government
  • Demonstrated experience working with governments closely and effectively.
  • Able to speak and write in English well (Preferably)
  • Good interpersonal communication and facilitation skills for mentoring and knowledge sharing 
  • Possess good judgement to deal with conflict
  • Able to work both in team and independently with minimum supervision, • 
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines, under pressure
  • Commitment to safeguarding and CCCD implementation
  • Commitment to Fraud awareness policy



  • Bachelor in Education Sector/ Digital Public Relation//Social Welfare/Community Development/others relevant field
  • Over
    3 years of experience working on project management preferably in DRR,
    Safe school or at least familiar with Safe school issue in Indonesia.

  • Good understanding about digital platform for teaching-learning concept and practices
  • Good Knowledge on and Practices of Safeguarding



Plan International’s Values in Practice

We are open and accountable

create a climate of trust inside and outside the organisation by being
open, honest and transparent. We hold ourselves and others to account
for the decisions we make and for our impact on others, while doing what
we say we will do.


We strive for lasting impact

strive to achieve significant and lasting impact on the lives of
children and young people, and to secure equality for girls. We
challenge ourselves to be bold, courageous, responsive, focused and


We work well together

succeed by working effectively with others, inside and outside the
organisation, including our sponsors and donors. We actively support our
colleagues, helping them to achieve their goals. We come together to
create and implement solutions in our teams, across Plan International,
with children, girls, young people, communities and our partners.


We are inclusive and empowering

respect all people, appreciate differences and challenge inequality in
our programmes and our workplace. We support children, girls and young
people to increase their confidence and to change their own lives. We
empower our staff to give their best and develop their potential.


Physical Environment

in Jogjakarta office for 18 months and Bali office for next 18 months
with frequent travel to monitor project, meeting with government and


Level of contact with childreN

High contact: Intensive interaction with children and youth

applications will be treated in confidence. Only short-listed
candidates will be notified and invited for interviews. Please submit
your letter of application and detailed curriculum vitae in English by
apply now not later than  August 30, 2022

application is encouraged as we will review applications throughout the
advertising period and reserve the right to close the advert early.

range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with
Plan International's Safeguarding Children and Young People policy.

an international child centred community development organisation,
Yayasan Plan International Indonesia  is fully committed to promoting
the realisation of children's rights including their right to protection
from violence and abuse. That means we have particular responsibilities
to children that we come into contact with.

Plan International Indonesia  believes that in a world where children
face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an
organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. We must not
contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk. 
diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan
International stands for. Our organisation is based on a culture of
inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures
every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse
people, thoughts, and ideas.

will provide equality of opportunity and will not tolerate
discrimination on any grounds. We foster an organisational culture that
embraces and exemplifies our commitment to gender equality, girls’
rights and inclusion while supporting staff to adopt good practice,
positive attitudes and principles of gender equality and inclusion.


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