M&E Coordinator Cameroon

Pays: Cameroon
Region: centre
Ville: Yaounde
Employeur: Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

Date limite : 20-06-2022

Description complète

The role of the M&E Coordinator is to establish and implement systems to promote evidence-based decision-making, program and project performance, and internal management. The M&E Coordinator will contribute to quality programming through supporting access to and use of relevant and timely information on program scale, relevance, and effectiveness


A - Generic responsibilities

  1. Adherence to NRC policies, guidance and procedures

  2. Support and contribute to the development and implementation of M&E systems, including M&E SOPs, guidance and tools.

  3. Participate in program design and proposal discussions, including theory of change development, log frame design and budgeting for M&E.

  4. Support program staff in planning for and executing M&E, including, data collection methodology and tools and data management, analysis and use.

  5. Support the implementation, dissemination and use of evaluations, assessments and monitoring data in program development, adjustment or review.

  6. Contribute to organizational learning through supporting specific analysis, lessons learned and reports.

  7. Capacity building and training of program and M&E support staff on M&E technical and conceptual areas.

  8. Supervise and mentor M&E support staff in executing M&E plans.

  9. Contribute to the design of M&E staffing structure and resourcing, including collaboration with program staff to identify and plan for M&E needs.

  10. Ensure that learning moments are institutionalized in the mission, with systems in place to analyze and use M&E data and support the program and Country Management Group to interpret and use M&E-generated information for strategic and programmatic decision-making. This includes contributing to the development, learning and adaptation of program strategies. 

B - Specific responsibilities

These responsibilities shall be adapted to the particularities of the job location and context, phase of operation, strategic focus and type of program intervention. This section shall be revised whenever a new employee is hired or the context changes significantly

  • Develop M&E tools for gathering information/data from the field and keep up to-date data required for timely and quality reporting;

  • Compile and update CO-level monthly output tracking sheet (M&E matrices), online GORS reporting, monthly M&E reports, Complaints and Feedback Mechanism (CFM) database, and Balanced Score Card (BSC) when necessary; 

  • Ensure that Project Trackers are created for each project and presented at the project start-up meeting. Ensure that these trackers are kept up-to-date with high quality data, and present them at project review meetings.

  • Lead the planning, implementation and coordination of the annual evaluation plan.

  • Make sure complete and accurate project information are reported timely to the Country Office by each area office with necessary disaggregation (data by area/location, core competency, age, gender, type of beneficiaries (IDP, refugees, host community, returnee and other);

  • Support program staff in planning for and executing M&E activities, including data collection methodology and tools development, data management, analysis and use, clear maintenance of means of verification documentations (also serve as the bridge between program staff and the Compliance Coordinator in regards to gathering required means of verifications by project);

  • Support need assessments, baseline and end line surveys, and program evaluations particularly field data collation using mobile data collection methods training and supervising enumerators, data entry and analysis;

  • Support field program staff to implement project level assessments, including PDMs, baseline survey using mobile data collection methods, outcome measurement, and multisector area level assessments where relevant, training and supervising of enumerators, data entry and analysis;

  • Assist in the rollout and implementation of the NRC Cameroon SOP for all programs by creating compliant database, and regularly following up on the handling of received feedback;

  • Support the preparation of project-specific detailed implementation plans and M&E matrix for all active projects;

  • Support the use of digital-based data collection using mobile phones/tablets;


A - Professional competencies 

  • At least 3 years’ experience in an international NGO preferably in an emergency or post-conflict setting, including M&E capacity and systems development

  • Previous experience in M&E, writing report, training

  • Management of data and information

  • Knowledge of statistical tools like power BI

  • Thorough experience with and knowledge of principles and current approaches to monitoring and evaluation in relief and development programs, using both quantitative and qualitative methods

  • Understanding of data and information needs for program management and decision making

  • Experience in facilitating the capacity building efforts of diverse colleagues, including local partner agencies

  • Demonstrated ability to transfer knowledge to diverse audiences through training, mentoring and other formal and non-formal methods

  • High level English language proficiency (speaking, reading, writing)

  • Analytic and computer skills, including MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access)

  • Experience using Power BI, SPSS, STATA, Epi Info, or R

B - Context related skills, knowledge and experience

  • Good /effective communication and interpersonal skills

  • Analytical capacity

  • Strong organizational and team working skills

  • Good cultural awareness and sensitivity

  • Highly approachable, trustworthy and confidential

  • Advanced English and French Language level

  • Knowledge of the NGO operations and the dynamics of the humanitarian sector is a plus

  • Good level of proficiency in Windows Excel and quantitative analysis (SPSS preferred)


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